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Upgrade Antiquated HVAC Systems; Maximize Efficiency and Comfort


Planning on purchasing an old home and doing major renovations in the New Year? Let us be the first to extend our congratulations! Renovating a home is major accomplishment in a person’s life as it is symbolic of all the hard work it’s taken to get to this point. At the core of this decision is the notion that purchasing and renovating a home is a serious investment – one of the largest you’ll ever make. You’re undoubtedly putting endless hours into what the cosmetic appearance of your home will be. You’re thinking about landscaping and how your home appears from the road. You’re thinking about the refrigerator, sinks, showers, baths, floors, fixtures, all of the fun stuff that goes into customizing your home, making it yours and assuring comfort is achieved.

The question we’d like to pose is, what are you doing to take control of your home’s heating and cooling environment? It’s the first thing people think of. In fact, in some people’s eyes the fridge is more important than the fire that’ll keep you warm when winter strikes. Cosmetics are important, but it’s what’s “inside” that counts. True comfort is achieved in the environment of the air that surrounds you, not the species of wood that makes up the cool rustic grains in your floor.

Here’s an idea, Suburban Companies is happy to send out one of our qualified Comfort Advisors. We’d be happy to come out and consult you on the options that are at your disposal to heat and cool your home and get that existing, antiquated heating and cooling system of to modern day standards (and heck, even exceed those “standards”). The technology to achieve both has never been greater and the cost-savings benefits are mighty handy when you’re looking at your overall budget.

Did you know that as someone updating old heating and cooling elements and appliances within your home in Massachusetts you can take advantage of a program called Mass Saves? As a Massachusetts resident/taxpayer, you’re paying for the benefit, so you might as well utilize it if and where you can. Let’s get you caught up…

What to expect from the typical Mass Save Energy Audit:

  • The consultation usually takes 1.5 to 2.5 hours.
  • You (as well as any other “decision makers” of the property being evaluated should be present at the assessment.
  • We will help you develop an energy savings plan and explain applicable incentives.
  • You will receive a personalized report outlining recommended energy efficiencies for the property.
  • Installation of no-cost immediate savings measures such as light emitting diode (LED) light bulbs, programmable thermostats, and water saving devices, as needed.
  • Screening for eligibility for the ENERGY STAR® refrigerator rebate.
  • Air sealing and insulation specification.
  • Infrared testing, if applicable.
  • Combustion safety testing.

What exactly are these rebates we speak of?

There are many. We at Suburban are happy to talk you through them, and we’ll even do our part to help you leverage them when you work with us to initiate your home or business heating and cooling needs. We are the proud recipients of Carrier President’s Award for Excellence (six times!), and yield at nothing to make sure your heating and cooling system installation and maintenance is, quite simply, working for you. And, we’re also in the business of making sure the Mass Save program is working for you simultaneously.

Here are a few immediate rebates of interest:

  • Earn 75% (up to $2,000) toward the installation of approved insulation improvements.
  • Up to a $500 rebate on a qualified electric mini-split heat pump system.
  • Up to a $750 rebate on electric heat pump water heaters.
  • Up to a $500 rebate for residential electric customers that install a qualified high-efficiency central air conditioning system and/or a central heat pump.
  • Up to a $100 rebate for wireless enabled thermostats and up to $25 for programmable thermostats.
  • Up to a $1,200 rebate for the installation of heating and water heating equipment (oil or propane).
  • Up to a $1,600 rebate for the installation of heating and water heating equipment (gas).

Some of this can be confusing which is why it’s in your best interest to have Suburban walk you through each step to maximize your perspective rebate(s). That, and in general, we’re in the business of keeping all of our customers as comfortable as we can in their residence and we take great pride in the service and products we provide. For a major home renovations and energy upgrades, we love educating you on all of the options available to you to take advantage of from the perspective of your heating and cooling system, and we might even enlighten you to a possibility you hadn’t even thought about.

It’s a New Year; you’re planning new home renovations for you and your family… We’re excited for you, and would be delighted to help you make some key decisions under the umbrella of this massive decision – An investment in time, money, and memories. Call Suburban today and Take Comfort. We’ll keep you warm when it’s cool, and cool when it’s warm – here for you 24/7/365.


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residential HVAC service area map of eastern Massachusetts
serving eastern Massachusetts
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serving Massachusetts and southern NH