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Introducing Ecovent


EcoVentIn most homes, the heating and cooling system is controlled by a wall-mounted thermostat that is typically located at a convenient and easily-accessible spot within one of the main living areas. Makes sense right? It’s something that gets used a lot, so why not put it somewhere that’s easy to get to? There’s only one issue with this – something that unless you’ve been told, you probably never thought about.

Here’s a little secret about thermostats: they can only sense the air temperature at their exact location.

To better explain, imagine this – You’re in the study doing some reading. It’s freezing. You go out of the room and walk down the hallway to the thermostat. It tells you that it’s 73. Well, it may be 73 in the hallway, but it sure isn’t 73 in the study…

This type of situation is not uncommon. In fact, the typical residential home has an average of a 7-degree difference in temperature between floors. Cold spots, hot spots, and inconsistency is one of the most common problems in heating and cooling.

While you may be tempted to use a space heater or window air conditioner to remedy those spots, there is a better solution.

Enter Ecovent.

Ecovent enables you to achieve maximum control over your heating and cooling system to eliminate the “problem spots” that are currently a struggle to keep at the perfect temperature. With Ecovent, you can easily install (or even retrofit) your home’s existing vents with an intelligent zoning system that will cover every room in the house.

So how does it work?

Well, it’s simple really. The Ecovent system includes three simple components:

  1. A standard wall outlet sensor that reads and controls the environment of the room per your settings as specified via the central Smart Hub unit.
  2. The Smart Hub is controlled through a mobile application that you can download and access with any handheld device (your smart phone, tablet, computer, etc.). Your Smart Hub dynamically communicates with your existing WiFi powered thermostat to send signals to either open or close the vents in the areas in which the Ecovent has been installed. (If you don’t have a “smart” thermostat, don’t worry, we can help you out with options to obtain one).
  3. Vents which are installed wirelessly. They’re powered by 4 AA batteries, which last 3-5 years. Don’t worry, when the batteries are low, an alert will be sent right to your device.

full_stack_square_webEcovent is the prime solution for effectively and efficiently providing the different “zones” in your home with exactly what you need to achieve maximum comfort. It literally puts room-by-room comfort in the palm of your hand.

Give us a call today to discuss any questions you might have regarding the Ecovent system. We’re happy to schedule a consult, and have you up and running in no time at all.

Ecovent: Built by rocket scientists (literally) to deliver real comfort you can feel. This system is taking smart heating and cooling to the next level.

Contact us today for more information (or for any questions you may have)!


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